The Team With Integrity
“Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. We make our system free to use, simple to plug into, and loved by our agents!”
The Better Way
Whitney and Associates was founded with the intent to disrupt the traditional FMO business model and agent relationship. We grew tired of seeing agents pay for seminar marketing regardless of the seminar’s success. The lack of trust and partnership became the norm and agents typically jumped from one FMO to the next. We knew there had to be a better way.
With a business model that centers around partnership and paying for our agent’s seminars, we created a better way to serve our agents. By focusing on our agents and keeping our processes flexible, our agents have flourished. Through our dedication to doing things differently, our disruptive model continues to help us differentiate us and our agents from the norm. The best part? We’re just getting started.