Sales Tools

Social Security Timing – Enjoy a 20% discount when you contract with Whitney & Associates.
Retirement Analyzer is a retirement/income planning software program that incorporates: income, pensions, Social Security, asset class, taxation, risk vs. guaranteed $, life insurance, and LTC. This is a free resource when you contract with Whitney & Associates.
NSSA – We highly recommend our agents become certified National Social Security Advisors. When you are contracted with Whitney & Associates, ask us how you can get a discounted price on the training. (FINRA recognized)
Business Builder – Whitney & Associates agents have access to a dashboard where you can view your pending and paid business from our core carriers in real-time. This tool helps our agents get their business issued faster.
Life Sales Support Team – Agents contracted with Whitney & Associates will also have access to our in house underwriter and case design team.
A Network of Agents
A TRUE Partnership!
Our agents are a part of an elite class and constantly share ideas with the other members of Whitney and Associates. We do not put agents in the same territory so do not worry about sharing with competitors.
Our flagship seminar marketing program “WE PAY FOR YOUR SEMINAR MARKETING” is like nothing you’ve seen. These workshops are marketed as educational, typically held in public buildings i.e. libraries, community centers, community colleges, etc. Attendees are expecting to be educated in optimizing and coordinating Social Security or Retirement Income.
We’re experts in filling your workshops. We help you find and book a venue, we deploy our cutting-edge marketing technology to invite baby boomers to your event. We receive the RSVP’s, we do the confirmation calls to make sure people show up and we provide you with the attendee list.
YOU simply show up, check attendees in, and put on a great workshop!
This is what we refer to as a TRUE PARTNERSHIP where we both have skin-in-the-game!